Heart of Gold, The Mysteries of Heart Break - A Transformational Reiki Love Experience

using the power of the eclipse season, to go deep and clear out old woundings and pain so there is more love and joy in your heart.

WHAT: 3 Transformational Reiki Love experiential meditations to embrace your deepest, loving self and transform any Heart Break into a Heart of Gold. 

Each meditation will go deep into  your heart and leave you feeling blessed, healed, clear on next steps and ready to receive more love for yourself and others.

The 3 sessions respectively will deal with your past, your present and your future.

1st Mystery: Heart Break (past)

2nd Mystery: Transcendence (present)

3rd Mystery: Heart Of Gold (future)

WHEN: Transformational Reiki Rituals will be posted 2 days before each power day of the Eclipse season. The dates are 2 day before... 

  • September 17th, (Full Moon in Pisces)
  • September 22nd, (Autumnal Equinox)
  • October 2 (New Moon in Libra).


  • A deep and rich experience into your heart for a profound healing that will guide you to your greatest love 
  • Answers and direction within your current relationships
  • Healing of your past relationships, guidance in your present relationships and directions into your future relationships

  •  3, 20-30 min channeled Transformational Reiki videos , along with audio only and word transcription to move you from a place of uncertainty to knowing next steps in your journey of love. 
  • A pdf guide for suggestions in setting up an altar to enhance your 3 sessions and visualization 
  • A pdf guide in what to do during and after the eclipse season

BONUS 1: A Transformational Reiki Divine Love Spell to prepare you for this powerful portal of change, sent to you directly upon sign up.

BONUS 2: Telegram Office hours for 3 days over the main 3 events of the 2 Eclipses and Autumnal Equinox, for group sharing of experiences and exponential powers of group dynamics.

BONUS 3: You have access to this Transformational Reiki Love Ritual for as long as the course is available

COST: Pay what you Wish  


These Transformational Reiki Love Rituals are highly, clearing, magnetic and life affirming. 


If you are new to ritual- I suggest finding a quiet place for you to tune in for the duration of the meditation, approx. 30 min. 

The set up of an altar is completely optional. Whatever level you wish to participate in, is correct and will still be extremely powerful.

This is a space for you to receive healing, clarity, guidance and empowerment on the next steps your love life has to offer you.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xHeart of Gold$1

All prices in USD